Helloo everyone!!!!
Today ı will give you some information about TPACK and SAMR models.
TPACK( Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge)
Common Sense Education explains this model as “TPACK is a model that helps teachers consider where their strengths and weaknesses lie in their knowledge of content,pedagogy and how these areas work together for innovative teaching and learning.”.
TK: Teacher's knowledge of technology.
CK: Teacher's knowledge of subject's itself.
PK: Teacher's knowledge about learning and teaching.
SAMR ( Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) MODEL
This model was created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. As can be understood by its name , the model has 4 components. Substitution and Augmentation are seen as ‘Enhancement’ steps when Modification and Redefinition are seen as ‘Transformation’ steps.
You should search these models and be aware of their advantages in language learning environment, if used appropriately ! :)
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